Messiah United Methodist Church
United Methodist Women
The women of Messiah UMC meet at 10am on the 3rd Monday of each month in the church fellowship room. In additional to fellowship, the UMW plan various fundraisers throughout the church year including the annual Ham and Bean Soup Sandwich sale which is a widely popular and a huge success. Additionally, the women often participate in community service, offering care packages for the local collage students and helping to support the local food pantry. Visitors are welcome to join the ladies at their monthly meetings or participate in one of their many outings for tea or lunch. Contact the church office if you are interested in participating.
United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the church. The UMM provide care and support for church activities. To learn more about the UMM contact the church office via email.
Lorien Healthcare Outreach
Once a month, the congregation of Messiah UMC provides worship, Bible lessons and fellowship for the residents of Lorien Healthcare, here in Taneytown. Here, the church provides love and care for those in our community experiencing need. During these visits, Messiah parishioners embody Christ's calling to care for the poor in health and for those in need. To help assist with Lorien Worship or to simply to attend the service and help share God's love, please contact Pr. Baker via the church email.
Sunday School
Sunday School for people of all ages is held at 9:00am on Sunday mornings September through May. Taught my dedicated and care leaders, Sunday School offers a place for small group instructions, discussions and critical learning about God. Jesus our Savior and the call to show love to the world around us.
Red Cross Blood Donations
Several times a year, Messiah UMC host blood drive donations in support of the American Red Cross. Church and community members are encouraged to sign-up and donate the precious gift of life to our community and world. Look for up-coming blood drive dates and information on our ANNOUNCEMENTS page.
Wreaths Across America
Each December Messiah UMC partners with Wreathes Across America to lay wreaths at the gravestones of veterans in our community. Church members sponsor wreaths to honor those who participated in the armed services, ensuring our right to religious freedom. Currently, wreaths are placed on the memorials of those resting in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.